Title: The Age of Artificial Intelligence: an Exploration
Year: (2020)
Editora: Vernon Press
Ed: Steven S. Gouveia (Uni.Minho)
Pages: 402
Introduction: Steven S. Gouveia (University of Minho)
SECTION I: Intelligence in Articial Intelligence
1. Towards the Mathematics of Intelligence - Soenke Ziesche (Maldives National University) and Roman V. Yampolskiy (University of Louisville)
2. Minds, Brain and Turing - Stevan Harnad (Université du Québec & University of Southampton)
3. The Age of Post-Intelligent Design - Daniel Dennett (Tufts University)
4. Human and Intelligent Machines: Co-Evolution, Fusion or Replacement? - David Pearce (Director, Neuroethics Foundation)
SECTION II: Consciousness, Simulation and Artificial Intelligence
5. Mindplexes, Non-Ordinary Consciousness, and Artificial General Intelligence - Gabriel Axel Montes (University of Newcastle) and Ben Goertzel (Xiamen University)
6. The Cognitive Phenomenology Argument for Disembodied AI Consciousness - Cody Turner (University of Connecticut)
7. Human Experience and Artificial Intelligence - Nicole A. Hall (Independent Scholar)
8. Are we Really Living in a Simulation? - Steven S. Gouveia (University of Minho)
SECTION III: Aesthetics and Language of Artificial Intelligence
9. Can a Computer Create a Musical Work? Creativity and Autonomy of AI Software for Music Composition - Caterina Moruzzi (University of Nottingham)
10. Formal Representation of Context in Computational Creativity for Music - René Mogensen (Birmingham City University)
11. A Human Touch in Computer-Generated Literature - Mariana Chinellato Ferreira (University of Coimbra)
12. Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence: a Functional Linguistic Perspective - Kulvinder Panesar (York St. John University)
SECTION IV: The Ethics of The Bionic Brain
13. The Bionic Brain Pragmatic Neuroethics and the Moral Plausibility of Cognitive Enhancement - Peter DePergola II (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
14. Does AI Brain Implant Compromise Agency? Examining Potential Harms of Brain-Computer Interfaces on Self-Determination - Tomislav MiletiĆ (University of Rijeka) and Frederic Gilbert (University of Washington)
15. The Ethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces - Aníbal M. Astobiza (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), Txetxu Ausin (University of the Basque Country), Ricardo M. Ferrer (University of Granada) and Stephen Rainey (University of Oxford)
16. Wisdom as Meta-Knowledge: a Practical Application of Artificial General Intelligence and Neural Macrosensing - Natasha Vita-More (University of Advancing Technology)
SECTION V: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
17. Unethical Research: How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence - Federico Piston (Independent Scholar) and Roman V. Yampolskiy (University of Louisville)
18. The Search for X: Grounding the Rights and Obligations of Machines - Hasse Hämäläinen (Jagiellonian University)
19. The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era - Vernon Vinge (San Diego State University).
20. Epistemological and Ethical Implications of the Free-Energy Principle - Eray Özkural (Bilkent University)
Description: With worldwide spending estimates of over $97 billion by 2023, it is no surprise that Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is one of the hottest topics at present in both the private and public spheres. Comprising of vital contributions from the most influential researchers in the field, including Daniel Dennett, Roman V. Yampolskiy, Frederic Gilbert, Stevan Harnad, David Pearce, Natasha Vita-More, Vernon Vinge and Ben Goertzel, ‘The Age of Artificial Intelligence: An Exploration’ discusses a variety of topics ranging from the various ethical issues associated with A.I. based technologies in terms of morality and law to subjects related to artificial consciousness, artistic creativity and intelligence. (...) The Age of Artificial Intelligence is imminent, if not here already. We should ensure that we invest in the right people and the right ideas to create the best possible solutions to the problems of the present and prepare for those of the future. This edited volume will be of particular interest to researchers in the field of A.I. as well of those in Cognitive Science (Philosophy of the Mind, Neuroscience, and Linguistics), Aesthetics and Arts, Applied Ethics and Political Philosophy / Law. Students studying the aforementioned topics can also benefit from its contents.
Title: The Age of Artificial Intelligence: an Exploration
Year: (2020)
Editora: Vernon Press
Ed: Steven S. Gouveia (Uni.Minho)
Pages: 402
Introduction: Steven S. Gouveia (University of Minho)
SECTION I: Intelligence in Articial Intelligence
1. Towards the Mathematics of Intelligence - Soenke Ziesche (Maldives National University) and Roman V. Yampolskiy (University of Louisville)
2. Minds, Brain and Turing - Stevan Harnad (Université du Québec & University of Southampton)
3. The Age of Post-Intelligent Design - Daniel Dennett (Tufts University)
4. Human and Intelligent Machines: Co-Evolution, Fusion or Replacement? - David Pearce (Director, Neuroethics Foundation)
SECTION II: Consciousness, Simulation and Artificial Intelligence
5. Mindplexes, Non-Ordinary Consciousness, and Artificial General Intelligence - Gabriel Axel Montes (University of Newcastle) and Ben Goertzel (Xiamen University)
6. The Cognitive Phenomenology Argument for Disembodied AI Consciousness - Cody Turner (University of Connecticut)
7. Human Experience and Artificial Intelligence - Nicole A. Hall (Independent Scholar)
8. Are we Really Living in a Simulation? - Steven S. Gouveia (University of Minho)
SECTION III: Aesthetics and Language of Artificial Intelligence
9. Can a Computer Create a Musical Work? Creativity and Autonomy of AI Software for Music Composition - Caterina Moruzzi (University of Nottingham)
10. Formal Representation of Context in Computational Creativity for Music - René Mogensen (Birmingham City University)
11. A Human Touch in Computer-Generated Literature - Mariana Chinellato Ferreira (University of Coimbra)
12. Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence: a Functional Linguistic Perspective - Kulvinder Panesar (York St. John University)
SECTION IV: The Ethics of The Bionic Brain
13. The Bionic Brain Pragmatic Neuroethics and the Moral Plausibility of Cognitive Enhancement - Peter DePergola II (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
14. Does AI Brain Implant Compromise Agency? Examining Potential Harms of Brain-Computer Interfaces on Self-Determination - Tomislav MiletiĆ (University of Rijeka) and Frederic Gilbert (University of Washington)
15. The Ethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces - Aníbal M. Astobiza (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), Txetxu Ausin (University of the Basque Country), Ricardo M. Ferrer (University of Granada) and Stephen Rainey (University of Oxford)
16. Wisdom as Meta-Knowledge: a Practical Application of Artificial General Intelligence and Neural Macrosensing - Natasha Vita-More (University of Advancing Technology)
SECTION V: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
17. Unethical Research: How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence - Federico Piston (Independent Scholar) and Roman V. Yampolskiy (University of Louisville)
18. The Search for X: Grounding the Rights and Obligations of Machines - Hasse Hämäläinen (Jagiellonian University)
19. The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era - Vernon Vinge (San Diego State University).
20. Epistemological and Ethical Implications of the Free-Energy Principle - Eray Özkural (Bilkent University)
Description: With worldwide spending estimates of over $97 billion by 2023, it is no surprise that Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is one of the hottest topics at present in both the private and public spheres. Comprising of vital contributions from the most influential researchers in the field, including Daniel Dennett, Roman V. Yampolskiy, Frederic Gilbert, Stevan Harnad, David Pearce, Natasha Vita-More, Vernon Vinge and Ben Goertzel, ‘The Age of Artificial Intelligence: An Exploration’ discusses a variety of topics ranging from the various ethical issues associated with A.I. based technologies in terms of morality and law to subjects related to artificial consciousness, artistic creativity and intelligence. (...) The Age of Artificial Intelligence is imminent, if not here already. We should ensure that we invest in the right people and the right ideas to create the best possible solutions to the problems of the present and prepare for those of the future. This edited volume will be of particular interest to researchers in the field of A.I. as well of those in Cognitive Science (Philosophy of the Mind, Neuroscience, and Linguistics), Aesthetics and Arts, Applied Ethics and Political Philosophy / Law. Students studying the aforementioned topics can also benefit from its contents.