Talks: (* = peer-reviewed, # = invited)
Forthcoming / Próximas Palestras:
Forthcoming / Próximas Palestras:
2º Lançamento Oficial da obra "A Odisseia da Mente: Diálogos sobre o Cérebro e a Consciencia" | 27 Março 2024 (20h-22h) | UNIASSELVI Praia Grande (Santos) | Entrada gratuita (venda de exmplares assinados).
Com participação de:
1º Lançamento Oficial da obra "A Odisseia da Mente: Diálogos sobre o Cérebro e a Consciencia" | 26 Março 2024 (10h-12h) | Pontífica Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) | Entrada gratuita (venda de exmplares assinados).
Com participação de:
Orador Convidado | 1º Workshop UFABC-USP - Filosofia e Neurociências | 25 - 26 Março 2024 |FFLCH, Universidade de São Paulo # Título: Filosofia e Neurociencia: Relações Cooperatives" Mais informações: aqui. |
Orador Convidado | 22 Março 2024 | Fundação Instituto de Administração (Business School) # Título: Ética da Inteligência Artificial: Lições da Medicina para as Empresas Mais informações: aqui. |
Orador Convidado | Segundo Simpósio Mente, Cognição e Fenomenologia | 14 Março 2024 |Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro # Título: Inteligência Artificial, Cérebros e Tempo: uma Análise Neurofilosófica Com participação de Paulo Taddei (UFRJ), Tássia Vianna (UFRJ) e Diogo Grugel (UFF). Mais informações: aqui. |
Orador Convidado | Palestra "Qual o Problema Ético que as Máquinas Sexuais Representam?" | 5 Dezembro 2023 | Núcleo Estudantes Filosofia da Universidade do Porto #
Mais informações: aqui. |
Invited Speaker at the AIRES/UFRJ S1E1 | Federal Universirty of Rio de Janeiro | 27 November 2023 | Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (online) #
Title: "Ethics of Aritificial Intelligence in Medicine" More info: here |
Participação no Podcast "PódeSer", da Associação Portugesa de Interinos de Psiquiatria.
Tema: Filosofia da Mente e Doença Mental. Entrevistadores: Vítor Santos & Matilde Gomes Convidado: Steven S. Gouveia (Uni. Porto) Para ouvir: aqui |
Invited Speaker at the Lisbon AI Seminar, Universirty of Lisbon | 21 November 2023 | Lisbon, Portugal #
Title: "Is there a Black-Box Issue in AI Medicine?" More info: here |
Speaker at the XII Edition Workshop of Philosophy of Biology & Cognitive Sciences| 9-10 November 2023 | Malaga, Spain *
Title: "Free Will and Determinism: A Neurophilosophical Analysis" More info: here. |
Arguente Principal | Tese de Mestrado "Contributions to the Understanding of Consciousness: A possible Narrative or a Preview of the Humanoid Generation" | 25 Outubro 2023 | Mestrado Interuniversitário em Neuropsicologia Clínica e Experimental | Universidade de Coimbra | Aluno: Manuel Dinis. Acesso: aqui.
Orador Convidado | Conferência "Inteligência Artificial: Olhares Cruzados entre Ética, Direito e Tecnologia" | 23 Outubro 2023 | Fórum de Ética, Católica Porto Busisness School #
Painel com: Gonçalo Quadros (Critical Software) & Pedro Freitas (Direito, UMinho) Mais informações: aqui. |
Speaker at the Human-centered AI Colloquium | 4 October 2023 | Utrecht, Netherlands #
Title: "Black-Boxes, AI Medicine, and Trust" More info: here |
Keynote Speaker at the TEDxNOVA 2023| 28 September 2023 | Lisbon, Portugal #
Title: "Steering AI’s Ship: The Role of Ethics in Navigating Uncertain Waters" More info: here |
Speaker at the International Workshop "Free Will: Between Ethics, Law, Neuroscience and AI"| 25 September 2023 | Lisbon, Portugal #
Title: "Free Will and Determinism: Between Philosophy and Neuroscience" More info: here |
Speaker at the 30th European Society for Philosophy and Psychology Conference| 28-31 August 2023 | Praga, Czech Repbulic *
5pm-6:30pm Session: Neuroscience: theoretical and conceptual issues (28 August 2023) Title: "Philosophy and Neuroscience: An Experimental Philosophy Study" More info: here |
Speaker at the 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy| 21-25 August 2023 | University of Vienna, Austria. *
08:50-10:45 Session 8I: AI and Ethics (23 August 2023) Title: "Artificial Intelligence & Medicine: Bridging the Trust Gap" More info: here |
Speaker at the 4th Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science (LICPOS 2023) | 12-15 July 2023 | Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal. *
Title: "The Search for Explanation in AI Medicine" More info: here. |
Keynote Speaker at the Conferencia en Hospital Carlos Van Buren | 29 June 2023 | Valparaíso, Chile #
Talk: "Inteligencia Artificial y la Ética en los Professionales de la Salud" More info: here. |
Keynote Speaker at the Jornada Conciencia Desde las Ciencias Fisica | 28 June 2023 | Faculty of Medicine, Universidade Andrés Bello, Chile #
Talk: "Consciousness: between Philosophy, Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence" Other Keynote Speaker: Sir Roger Penrose (Nobel Prize Physics 2020) More info: here |
Invited Speaker at the PhenCog Permanent Colloquium on Cognition | 23 June 2023 | Faculty of Psychology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil #
Talk: "Philosophy & Neursocience: Between Tango and Samba" Host: Paulo Taddei Discussant: Maria Luiza lenacco More info: here |
Invited Speaker at the Workshop Phenomenology in the 21st Century | 20 June 2023 | Faculty of Philosophy, Portuguese Catholic University, Braga #
Speakers: Dan Zahavi (Copenhagen Uni.) Carlos Morujão (UCP) Gloria Andrada (NOVA Lison Uni.) Steven S. Gouveia (MLAG/Uni. Porto) Program: here. |
Keynote Speaker at the Big Questions on Consicousness Conference | 2 June 2023 | The Romanian Athenaeum, Bucharest #
Host: Robert Chis-Ciure Other speakers: Anil Seth, Georg Northoff, Danko Nikolic. Program: here |
Speaker at the Science of Consciousness Conference | 23-28 May 2023 | Congress Center Taormina, Sicilia. *
Talk: “Free Will and Determinism: A Neurophilosophical Analysis” Program: here |
Speaker at the TechSex: Exploring the Philosophical and Ethical Implications Workshop | 9 May 2023 | Ghent University. * Talk: "Sex Machina: An Ethical Analysis" Program: here |
Invited Speaker at the Tec2Med Summit (Almada, Lisboa) | 6 May 2023, 16h30 | NOVA School of Science and Technology. #
Panel: Ethics of AI and Genetics Moderation: Vânia Maia (Revista Visão) Info: here |
"V Jornadas Novatores sobre Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología: Filosofía y Medicina: reflexiones filosóficas en torno a las ciencias de la salud" | 26 & 27 April 2023 | Faculty of Philosophy, University o Salamanca. *
Talk: "Black-Box Medicine: An Ethical Analysis" Program: here |
Congresso "IV Encontro das Secções da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental" | 10-11 Março 2023 | Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa Edifício (Portugal). #
Panel: More than a trend? Artificial intelligence in psychiatry Talk: The Age of Artificial Intelligence (in Medicine!): Ethical and philosophical implications |
"Existence, Cognition, Action: Kant’s Legacy for the 21st Century Conference" | 1-3 March, 2023 | Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Serbia) *
Talk: "Can the Kantian Brain Explain Consciousness?" Program: here |
VII Brazilian Society for Analytic Philosphy Conference | 26 October, TBA | A Pontifícia Universidade Católica Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (in person) *
Talk: "The 'Epistemic Gap' in Algorithmic Decision-Making Medicine" Info e Programme: HERE |
Participação no Programa de Televisão SOCIEDADE CIVIL - Evolução do Homem. #
Transmissão: 27 de Outuburo, 14h, na RTP2. Temporada 8, Episódio 167. Acesso: aqui |
2nd IEF International Colloquium "Roads to Care" (University of Coimbra) *
19 October, 2022 [14h15-16h10]: Session B (Chair: Cristóvão da Silva Marinheiro, IEF): Steven S. Gouveia: “The 'Care Gap' in Algorithmic Decision-making Medicine” (in person). Info and Registration: here |
Eight National Meeting in Analytic Philosophy – ENFA 8.
University of Porto (Portugal) | 7-9 September 2022 * Steven S. Gouveia - The “Epistemic Gap” in Algorithmic Decision-Making Medicine Info: here |
Workshop On Cognitive Ecologies - ArgLab (Lisbon Mind, Cognition and Knowledge Group) #
20 July 2022 - 10.30 am - 4 pm. With Gloria Andrada, Steven S. Gouveia, Rob Clowes and Paul Smart. Info: here |
Colóquio Internacional de Doutorandos e Pós-Doutorandos em Filosofia - Universidade de Évora 2022
30 Junho 2022 * Mesa 4: Filosofia, Ética e Ciência (16h30 – 18h00) Moderador: Moisés Ferreira – Praxis/Universidade de Évora Steven S. Gouveia – University of Ottawa: "Contra o Uso da Inteligência Artificial na Medicina: Uma Análise Ética" |
Invited Speaker (07 June 2022): “Democracy & Ethics” at 2º Fórum of the Order of Attorneys of Brazil] (Núcleo São Paulo), Auditório do Clube Esportivo Corinthians. #
Orador Convidado (07 June 2022:) “Democracia & Ética” at 2º Fórum da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil [Order of Attorneys of Brazil] (Núcleo São Paulo), Auditório do Clube Esportivo Corinthians. # To attend in person / online: Para participar do evento (presencialmente ou online): |
Apresentação do novo livro "Philosophy and Neuroscience" na Academia do Diálogo (com Tomás Magalhães Carneiro). #
05 de Maio de 2022 às 21h30.
Informação e registo (gratuito): aqui
05 de Maio de 2022 às 21h30.
Informação e registo (gratuito): aqui
Speaker (25 April 2022): “Democracy & Justice" at II Fórum Dialogando Entre as Fénix (Order of Attorneys of Brazil, Itaquera subsection, hosted by Drª. Alessandra Malheiros). #
Orador (25 Abril 2022): "Democracia & Justiça" no II Fórum Dialogando Entre as Fénix (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Subsecção Itaquera, moderação Drª. Alessandra Malheiros). #
Link do Instagram:
Link de inscrição:
Orador (25 Abril 2022): "Democracia & Justiça" no II Fórum Dialogando Entre as Fénix (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Subsecção Itaquera, moderação Drª. Alessandra Malheiros). #
Link do Instagram:
Link de inscrição:
Speaker # at Conference | Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity | 21 & 22 October 2021 #
Organization: Luca M. Possati (IF-UP), Paula Cristina Pereira (IF-UP) Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto - FIL/00502 Info: here |
Speaker # at The Mind-Technology Problem Symposium and Workshop
21 & 22 October 2021 Organization: Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA) and Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (CFCUL) Info: here |
Colóquio Ética Animal e Ambiental - Universidade da Beira Interior (presencial) | 6 e 7 de Maio de 2021 #
Orador convidado: "(In)justiça Ambiental e Animais Selvagens: uma Análise Crítica" Invited Speaker: "Environmental (In)justice and Wild Animals: A Critical Analysis" Info: here |
- Orador Convidado #: “Inteligência Artificial e Direito" no Inov@legal (06/03/2021)
Invited Speaker: "Artificial Intelligence and Law" Participantes: Marisa Monteiro Borsboom (da direção do Inova), Cláudia Pina (Juíz de Instrução Criminal), Carlos Pinho (Procurador do MP) e Ana Rita Santos (estudante de LL.M). Info: here |
Ciclo Ciência às Seis on-line - Centro Rómulo de Carvalho, Universidade de Coimbra
2 de Fevereiro 2021 , 18h. Apresentação do livro # "Homo Ignarus: Ética Racional para um Mundo Irracional" com André Dias Pereira & Carlos Fiolhais. Book Presentation: "Homo Ignarus: Rational Ethics for an Irrational Word". |
Orador Convidado # - "Estado da Arte" (Associação de Professores de Filosofia)
Invited Speaker (Online Course on Applied Ethics and Neurophilosophy)
Das 21h às 22h, às segundas e terças-feiras | Local: Zoom
Dia 11/01/2021 | Sessão 1 – Filosofia e Neurociência: uma reflexão metodológica I, por Steven S. Gouveia
Dia 12/01/2021 | Sessão 2 – Filosofia e Neurociência: uma reflexão metodológica II, por Steven S. Gouveia
Dia 18/01/2021 | Sessão 3 – Ética do altruísmo eficaz, por Steven S. Gouveia
Dia 19/01/2021 | Sessão 4 – Ética do voto, por Steven S. Gouveia
Inscrição e informação: aqui/here [formação acreditada]
Invited Speaker (Online Course on Applied Ethics and Neurophilosophy)
Das 21h às 22h, às segundas e terças-feiras | Local: Zoom
Dia 11/01/2021 | Sessão 1 – Filosofia e Neurociência: uma reflexão metodológica I, por Steven S. Gouveia
Dia 12/01/2021 | Sessão 2 – Filosofia e Neurociência: uma reflexão metodológica II, por Steven S. Gouveia
Dia 18/01/2021 | Sessão 3 – Ética do altruísmo eficaz, por Steven S. Gouveia
Dia 19/01/2021 | Sessão 4 – Ética do voto, por Steven S. Gouveia
Inscrição e informação: aqui/here [formação acreditada]
13 de Janeiro de 2021 | 14h-16h
Participação no programa televisivo "Muito Barulho para Nada" (RTP2)
Guest of TV Show # (Portuguese Nationa Television)
Disponível RTP Play/Available here: aqui
Participação no programa televisivo "Muito Barulho para Nada" (RTP2)
Guest of TV Show # (Portuguese Nationa Television)
Disponível RTP Play/Available here: aqui
27 de dezembro 2020 | 21h00 – 23h00 – Hora Portugal Continental
Diálogo com Steven Gouveia #, autor do livro Homo Ignarus (ed. Minerva).
Dizem que a democracia é o pior sistema à excepção de todos os outros. Será? Steven Gouveia defende que não, que tem uma proposta melhor e nós estamos cá para ouvi-lo e discutir as suas ideias.
Book Presentation: "Homo Ignarus: Rational Ethics for an Irrational Word".
Info e inscrição: aqui (nota: inscrição obrigatória na Academia do Diálogo).
Comprar o livro: aqui ou Minerva Editora
Diálogo com Steven Gouveia #, autor do livro Homo Ignarus (ed. Minerva).
Dizem que a democracia é o pior sistema à excepção de todos os outros. Será? Steven Gouveia defende que não, que tem uma proposta melhor e nós estamos cá para ouvi-lo e discutir as suas ideias.
Book Presentation: "Homo Ignarus: Rational Ethics for an Irrational Word".
Info e inscrição: aqui (nota: inscrição obrigatória na Academia do Diálogo).
Comprar o livro: aqui ou Minerva Editora
Saúde com Arte no Desafio da Pandemia | Sessão 10 18 de dezembro de 2020, 18h00 (GMT) Evento em formato digital Invited Speaker #: "Ethics of Pandemics" Info e inscrição: aqui |
- Invited Seminar #: “Altruísmo Eficaz: uma Análise Crítica" [Efective Altruism: Critical Analysis] at the PRAXIS Group Seminars, Unviersity of Lisbon, 20 October 2020, 18h-19h30, Room: Sala Matos Romão (Centro de Filosofia). Info: here
- Lecture * : “The limits of Contemporary Neuroscience: The Predictive Brain” (Portuguese) at the International Congress on Limits, Viseu, Portugal, 14 de Março de 2020, 16h. More info and abstract: here; Program: here;
Painel: Nas fronteiras da ciência e do futuro / At the frontiers of science and the future; Moderadora – Rosário Lira;
Steven S. Gouveia – Os limites da neurociência contemporânea: o cérebro preditivo [The limits of contemporary neuroscience: the predictive brain]
Painel: Nas fronteiras da ciência e do futuro / At the frontiers of science and the future; Moderadora – Rosário Lira;
Steven S. Gouveia – Os limites da neurociência contemporânea: o cérebro preditivo [The limits of contemporary neuroscience: the predictive brain]
- Lecture * : “The limits of Human Biology: Immortality” (Portuguese) at the International Congress on Limits, Viseu, Portugal, 13 de Março de 2020, 17h45.
Painel: Corpo, vida e morte / The body, life and death; Moderador – Rui Rego
Steven S. Gouveia – Os limites biológicos da morte e a imortalidade tecnológica [The biological limits of death and technological immortality]
Painel: Corpo, vida e morte / The body, life and death; Moderador – Rui Rego
Steven S. Gouveia – Os limites biológicos da morte e a imortalidade tecnológica [The biological limits of death and technological immortality]
- Invited Speaker # (2019): Inteligência Artificial - Reflexões Éticas, School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ESS-IP, Porto), 10 December 2019,
Talk: “The Ethical Nazgûls of Artificial Intelligence: Some Reflections”
Info: here
Talk: “The Ethical Nazgûls of Artificial Intelligence: Some Reflections”
Info: here
- Speaker * (accepted): Cyberpolitics Conference 2019, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 15-16 November 2019.
Talk: "Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence"
Info: here
Talk: "Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence"
Info: here
- Speaker * (accepted): "Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies - 4th Avant Conference 2019", Porto, Portugal, 24-26 October 2019.
Talk: "Predictive Processing and Consciousness: Prediction Fallacy and its Spatiotemporal Resolution"
Program: here
Talk: "Predictive Processing and Consciousness: Prediction Fallacy and its Spatiotemporal Resolution"
Program: here
- Speaker * (accepted): "The Science of Consciousness 2019 ", Interlaken, Switzerland, 25-28 June 2019.
Panel "Metaphysics of Consciousness 2" with Adrien Doerig, Steven S. Gouveia, Tobias Schlicht, Peter B. Lloyd and Jonathan Dorsey. Thursday, June 27, 2019. More info: here
Panel "Metaphysics of Consciousness 2" with Adrien Doerig, Steven S. Gouveia, Tobias Schlicht, Peter B. Lloyd and Jonathan Dorsey. Thursday, June 27, 2019. More info: here
- Seminar # "Predictive Processing and the content of consciousness: a fundamental limitation?”, at the Lisbon Mind & Reasoning Group Research in Progress Seminar, NOVA University of Lisbon, 13 Februrary 2019, 14h-16h.
- Speaker * (accepted): "5th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences", Pavia, Italy, December 17-19, 2018.
Talk: "Can the Human Brain be replicated?"
Info and program: here
Talk: "Can the Human Brain be replicated?"
Info and program: here
- Speaker #: "Workshop 2 - An Encounter of Philosophy and Psychiatry" at the 3rd International Mental Health Meeting (Romão de Sousa Foundation, in collaboration with NOVA Institute of Philosophy - New University of Lisbon), 23 November 2018.
More info:
More info:
Speaker * (accepted): "International Conference on Applied Ethics: Contemporary ethical challenges", November 16th, University of Lisbon.
Talk: "Conceptual and Ethical Problems in Current Medical Practice: On the Disctinction between 'Kill' and 'Letting Die'".
Talk: "Conceptual and Ethical Problems in Current Medical Practice: On the Disctinction between 'Kill' and 'Letting Die'".
- Speaker * (accepted): XX COLÓQUIO DE OUTONO 2018: “Paz e liberdade. Visões, Discursos, Manipulações”, Universidade do Minho, 12-13 Novembro 2018.
Talk: "Paradoxos da Guerra: o Medo e a Inteligência Artificial", 13 November 2018.
More info: here; Programa: AQUI
Talk: "Paradoxos da Guerra: o Medo e a Inteligência Artificial", 13 November 2018.
More info: here; Programa: AQUI
- Orador Convidado #: "Festival de Filosofia de Abrantes 2018: A inteligência artificial, o trabalho e o humano". Organização do Município de Abrantes, em parceria com o Clube de Filosofia de Abrantes, o Município de Mação, o Município de Sardoal, aPalha de Abrantes - Associação de Desenvolvimento Cultural e a Fundação Serralves. De 9 a 18 novembro de 2018.
Facebook: AQUI; Programa completo: AQUI; Video: AQUI
Invited Speaker: "Philosophical Assumptions of Artificial Intelligence"
- 10 de Novembro de 2018, às 10h: palestra [Mação]
- 11 de Novembro de 2018, às 19h: apresentação/sessão de autógrafos da obra "Reflexões Filosóficas: Arte, Mente e Justiça" na Feira do Livro, Biblioteca Municipal António Botto.
- 12 de Novembro de 2018: participação Rádio Cidade de Tomar.
Facebook: AQUI; Programa completo: AQUI; Video: AQUI
Invited Speaker: "Philosophical Assumptions of Artificial Intelligence"
- 10 de Novembro de 2018, às 10h: palestra [Mação]
- 11 de Novembro de 2018, às 19h: apresentação/sessão de autógrafos da obra "Reflexões Filosóficas: Arte, Mente e Justiça" na Feira do Livro, Biblioteca Municipal António Botto.
- 12 de Novembro de 2018: participação Rádio Cidade de Tomar.
- Invited Speaker: "Jornadas de Ética: cuidado da vida, cuidado da morte e morte voluntária" , Beira-Interior University, Covilhã, 25-26 October 2018.
Programa: Jornadas de ética: Cuidado da vida, cuidado da morte, morte voluntária, UBI, Pólo I, Sala dos Conselhos
Sexta-feira, 26 de Outubro 10:00
Programa: Jornadas de ética: Cuidado da vida, cuidado da morte, morte voluntária, UBI, Pólo I, Sala dos Conselhos
Sexta-feira, 26 de Outubro 10:00
- Steven Gouveia (Univ. do Minho), Problemas conceptuais e morais na prática médica actual: sobre a distinção entre “matar” e “deixar morrer”
- Invited Speaker #: "III Jornadas de Fisiologia Clínica", Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico do Porto (ESS-IPP), 20 de Outubro de 2018 | 14:30
Debate: Inteligência Artificial Moderador: Alberto Freitas (FMUP) -Convidados: Pedro Rodrigues (CINTESIS/FMUP) Steven S. Gouveia (Vice-Presidente da Associação Episteme&Logos, Uni. Minho) Gustavo Ferreira (ACES Maia/Valongo)
Palestra: “Transhumanismo e Inteligência Artificial: pressupostos filosóficos e consequências para as Ciências da Saúde
Talk: "Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence: philosophical assumptions and consequences for the Health Sciences"
Debate: Inteligência Artificial Moderador: Alberto Freitas (FMUP) -Convidados: Pedro Rodrigues (CINTESIS/FMUP) Steven S. Gouveia (Vice-Presidente da Associação Episteme&Logos, Uni. Minho) Gustavo Ferreira (ACES Maia/Valongo)
Palestra: “Transhumanismo e Inteligência Artificial: pressupostos filosóficos e consequências para as Ciências da Saúde
Talk: "Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence: philosophical assumptions and consequences for the Health Sciences"
- Speaker * (accepted): 1st IEF International Colloquium - ROADS TO CARE, Faculty of Letters, Universty of Coimbra, 10-12 October 2018.
Talk: “For an ethic of care: the case of eutanashia” (English)
Info: here
Talk: “For an ethic of care: the case of eutanashia” (English)
Info: here
- Speaker * (accepted): ENFA 7 - "Seventh National Meeting in Analytic Philosophy", School of Arts and Humanities, Universty of Lisbon, 13-15 September 2018.
Talk: with Georg Northoff (Institute of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa): "Predictive Processing and the content of consciousness: a fundamental limitation?"
Info: here / Time: 13 September, 15:40 - 16:15 / Room 2.13 / Final Programme: here
Talk: with Georg Northoff (Institute of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa): "Predictive Processing and the content of consciousness: a fundamental limitation?"
Info: here / Time: 13 September, 15:40 - 16:15 / Room 2.13 / Final Programme: here
- Speaker * (accepted): "International Conference of Philosophy of Science - The Insides of Nature: Causalities, Causal Processes and Conceptions of Nature Borders", Faculty of Philosophy and Social Science, Portuguese Catholic University, Braga, 10-12 September 2018.
Talk: “Predictive Processing and the content of consciousness: a fundamental limitation?” (English)
Info: here / Time: September, 11th, 10:45-13:00 / Room: 2.3 / Panel: Nature, Cognitive Sciences, Psychology and Neurosciences
Talk: “Predictive Processing and the content of consciousness: a fundamental limitation?” (English)
Info: here / Time: September, 11th, 10:45-13:00 / Room: 2.3 / Panel: Nature, Cognitive Sciences, Psychology and Neurosciences
- Speaker * (accepted): "3rd International Congress of the Portuguese Philosophical Society", University of Beira Interior, 6-7 September 2018.
Talk: with Georg Northoff (Institute of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa):
“The search for the right model of the brain to account perception” (English)
Chair: TBA
Info: here / Time: September, 6th, 17:00-18:30 / Room: 2.08 / Panel: Philosophy of Mind
Talk: with Georg Northoff (Institute of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa):
“The search for the right model of the brain to account perception” (English)
Chair: TBA
Info: here / Time: September, 6th, 17:00-18:30 / Room: 2.08 / Panel: Philosophy of Mind
- Invited Speaker #: "Nudging and Paternalistic Societies: Free Choice and Subtle Determinism" Conference, School of Economics and Management, University of Minho, 21 June 2018.
Talk: "Nudging: Paternalism 2.0" (English)
Info: here
Talk: "Nudging: Paternalism 2.0" (English)
Info: here
- Invited Speaker # : "Transhumanism and post-human: new horizons for the 21st century" Conference, Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies, University of Coimbra, 30 May 2018.
Talk: "Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical Assumptions and Ethical Consequences" (Portuguese)
Talk: "Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical Assumptions and Ethical Consequences" (Portuguese)
- Speaker (2018) by the Universiy of Lisbon to present the edited book “Thinking Democracy”, Sala 5.2, University of Lisbon, 17th January 2018.
- Invited speaker # (2017) by the Center for Social Studies (University of Coimbra) to present the edited book “Thinking Democracy”, Keynes Room, University of Coimbra, 22nd November 2017.
- Invited speaker # (2017) by the Students Nucleus of Philosophy (University of Minho) to present the edited book “Thinking Democracy”, University of Minho, 15th December 2017.
- Seminar # (2017) “A neurophilosphical approach to perception”, at the The Mind & Cognition Research in Progress Seminar, NOVA University of Lisbon.
- Lecture (2017), “A realist approach to perception” at the III International Conference on Philosophy of Mind: Minds, Brains and Consciousness (School of Medicine, University of Minho).
- Lecture (2017) (with Diana Neiva) “O cinema estrutural de Conrad: um enquadramento pós-modernista” [The structural cinema of Conrad: a post-modernist framework], International Meeting Cinema and other Arts, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
- Lecture * (2017), “Notes on the privacy of my mind” at the 6th Coimbra International Graduate Conference in Philosophy (University of Coimbra).
- Lecture * (2017) (with Diana Neiva) “O Imaginário da Inteligência Artificial no cinema americano" [The Imaginary of Artificial Intelligence in American Cinema], 1st Anglo-American Studies Meeting JRAAS (May 23), Faculty of Arts, University of Porto.
- Lecture * (2016) “Are we living in a virtual simulation? Maybe” at the Coimbra International Conference On the Virtual (27-29 October), na Universidade de Coimbra.
- Lecture * (2016) "Neuroscience and Philosophy: a reductive approach to the methodological problem” at the Second Portuguese Congress of Philosophy (September 8-9), University of Porto.
- Lecture * (2016), (with Diana Neiva) “Mind-uploading: the problem of consciousness 2.0”, International Conference on Mind, Selves and 21st Century Technology, at New University of Lisbon.
- Lecture * (2016), “Neurophilosophy: the problem of methodological reductionism” at the 5th Coimbra International Graduate Conference in Philosophy (University of Coimbra).
- Lecture (2016), “Why Bennett and Hacker are simply wrong about Philosophy and Neuroscience”, at the Mind, Language and Action Group (MLAG) Research Seminar (University of Porto).
- Lecture * (2016),“Neurophenomenology: a phenomenology for the 21st century” at the V Luso-Brazilian Congress of Phenomenology / III Iberian Conference of Phenomenology (University of Minho).
- Lecture (2016), (with Diana Neiva) “Mind-uploading: the problem of consciousness 2.0”, at the Mind, Language and Action Group (MLAG) Research Seminar (University of Porto).
- Presentation (2015) of the Ph.D. Project “Reductive versus Non-reductive Neurophilosophical Approaches to Information and Qualia: a Methodological Comparison” on the Internacional Day of Philosophy (November) (University of Minho).
- Lecture (2015) “7 ‘pecados mortais’ da Filosofia da Mente” [7 ‘Deadly Sins’ of the Philosophy of Mind], at the “VI Jornadas de Filosofia: Filosofia da Mente” [Symposium on Philosophy of Mind], University of Minho.
- Presentation of the book # (2014) “Mind, Brain and Science” by John Searle at the CLF (Philosophy Readers Community) in Braga, Portugal.
- Lecture (2013) # “What Philosophy is(n’t)”, “IV Jornadas de Filosofia”, at the University of Minho.
- Speaker (2018) by the Universiy of Lisbon to present the edited book “Thinking Democracy”, Sala 5.2, University of Lisbon, 17th January 2018.
- Invited speaker # (2017) by the Center for Social Studies (University of Coimbra) to present the edited book “Thinking Democracy”, Keynes Room, University of Coimbra, 22nd November 2017.
- Invited speaker # (2017) by the Students Nucleus of Philosophy (University of Minho) to present the edited book “Thinking Democracy”, University of Minho, 15th December 2017.
- Seminar # (2017) “A neurophilosphical approach to perception”, at the The Mind & Cognition Research in Progress Seminar, NOVA University of Lisbon.
- Lecture (2017), “A realist approach to perception” at the III International Conference on Philosophy of Mind: Minds, Brains and Consciousness (School of Medicine, University of Minho).
- Lecture (2017) (with Diana Neiva) “O cinema estrutural de Conrad: um enquadramento pós-modernista” [The structural cinema of Conrad: a post-modernist framework], International Meeting Cinema and other Arts, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
- Lecture * (2017), “Notes on the privacy of my mind” at the 6th Coimbra International Graduate Conference in Philosophy (University of Coimbra).
- Lecture * (2017) (with Diana Neiva) “O Imaginário da Inteligência Artificial no cinema americano" [The Imaginary of Artificial Intelligence in American Cinema], 1st Anglo-American Studies Meeting JRAAS (May 23), Faculty of Arts, University of Porto.
- Lecture * (2016) “Are we living in a virtual simulation? Maybe” at the Coimbra International Conference On the Virtual (27-29 October), na Universidade de Coimbra.
- Lecture * (2016) "Neuroscience and Philosophy: a reductive approach to the methodological problem” at the Second Portuguese Congress of Philosophy (September 8-9), University of Porto.
- Lecture * (2016), (with Diana Neiva) “Mind-uploading: the problem of consciousness 2.0”, International Conference on Mind, Selves and 21st Century Technology, at New University of Lisbon.
- Lecture * (2016), “Neurophilosophy: the problem of methodological reductionism” at the 5th Coimbra International Graduate Conference in Philosophy (University of Coimbra).
- Lecture (2016), “Why Bennett and Hacker are simply wrong about Philosophy and Neuroscience”, at the Mind, Language and Action Group (MLAG) Research Seminar (University of Porto).
- Lecture * (2016),“Neurophenomenology: a phenomenology for the 21st century” at the V Luso-Brazilian Congress of Phenomenology / III Iberian Conference of Phenomenology (University of Minho).
- Lecture (2016), (with Diana Neiva) “Mind-uploading: the problem of consciousness 2.0”, at the Mind, Language and Action Group (MLAG) Research Seminar (University of Porto).
- Presentation (2015) of the Ph.D. Project “Reductive versus Non-reductive Neurophilosophical Approaches to Information and Qualia: a Methodological Comparison” on the Internacional Day of Philosophy (November) (University of Minho).
- Lecture (2015) “7 ‘pecados mortais’ da Filosofia da Mente” [7 ‘Deadly Sins’ of the Philosophy of Mind], at the “VI Jornadas de Filosofia: Filosofia da Mente” [Symposium on Philosophy of Mind], University of Minho.
- Presentation of the book # (2014) “Mind, Brain and Science” by John Searle at the CLF (Philosophy Readers Community) in Braga, Portugal.
- Lecture (2013) # “What Philosophy is(n’t)”, “IV Jornadas de Filosofia”, at the University of Minho.