Title: Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides
Year: (2019)
Editora: Routledge
Eds: Steven S. Gouveia (Uni.Minho), Christina Rawls (Roger Williams Uni.) and Diana Neiva (Uni. Minho)
Pages: 400.
Preface - Thomas E. Wartenberg (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Mount Holoyke College - USA)
"(...) The idea of films actually doing philosophy has become a significant area for discussions of film and philosophy, though there has been a broadening of the issues films are seen to raise. Going under different titles depending on one’s philosophical orientation—film as philosophy and film-philosophy being the two most common—this area of inquiry has seen a great deal of scholarly activity. Indeed, a debate has been ongoing about whether films are actually capable of doing philosophy, as Cavell and others maintain. I focus on these two areas of philosophical discussion of film as a way of understanding the various concerns raised by the contributions in Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. The excellent chapters in this volume make contributions to our understanding of two main areas of philosophical investigation of film: film aesthetics and film as philosophy. It includes contributions from theorists working within the continental tradition of the philosophy of film. Many working in this tradition have been influenced by the work of the philosopher Gilles Deleuze. A number of them seek to develop and update Deleuze’s influential division of films into the movement and the time image, a dichotomy he sees as characterizing pre- and post-World War II cinema. One of the many virtues of this anthology is its inclusion of contributions from both analytic and continental philosophers of film. Because the fundamental assumptions of these two traditions of reflections on film as an artistic medium with important connections to philosophy are so different, there has not been sufficient cross-fertilization between them. Perhaps, this volume can encourage this to occur. The reader of this excellent volume has the opportunity to get a good sense of the current state of the philosophical discussion of film, to see how far this field has progressed since the early days that I have described. The uniformly informative and provocative contributions to it will certainly move forward the discussion of the philosophy of film."
Introduction - Steven S. Gouveia, Chris Rawls and Diana Neiva
PART I - The Nature of Film
1. (Collapsed) Seeing-In and the (Im-)Possibility of Progress in Analytic Philosophy (of Film) - Malcolm Turvey (Tufts Uni.)
2. The World Viewed and the World Lived : Stanley Cavell and Film as the Moving Image of Skepticism - Jônadas Techio (Federal Uni. Rio Grande do Sul)
3. The Morph-Image : Four Forms of Post-Cinema - Steen Ledet Christiansen (Aalborg Uni.)
4. Deleuze’s Cronosigns - Susana Viegas (New Uni. Lisbon)
PART II - The Film as Philosophy Debate
5. The Bold Thesis Retried : On Cinema as Philosophy - Paisley Livingston (Uppsala Uni.)
6. Film as Philosophical Thought Experiment : Some Challenges and Opportunities - Tom McClelland (Warwick Uni.)
7. Are There Definite Objections to Film as Philosophy? Metaphilosophical Considerations - Diana Neiva (Uni. Minho)
8. Philosophical Dimensions of Cinematic Experience - David Davies (McGill Uni.)
PART III - The Philosophical Value of Film
9. Philosophical Experience and Experimental Film - Christopher Falzon (Uni. Newcastle)
10. Filmmaking as Self-Writing: Federico Fellini’s 8½ (1963) - Roberto Mordacci (San Raffaele Uni.)
11. Film and Ethics - Robert Sinnerbrink (Macquarie Uni.)
PART IV - Cinematic Experience
12. Movies, Narration and the Emotions - Noël Carroll (City Uni. New York)
13. Predictive Processing and the Experimental Solution for the Paradox of Fiction - Dina Mendonça (New Uni. Lisbon)
14. The Lived Experience of Motion Pictures: A Phenomenological Approach to Cinema - Hanna Trindade (Charles Uni.)
PART V - Interpreting Cinematic Works
15. The Blade Runner Question: From Philosophy to Myth - Deborah Knight (Queen’s Uni.)
16. Race, Bodies and Lived Realities in Get Out and Black Panther - Mary K. Bloodworth-Lugo (Washington State Uni.)
17. Transnational Biopolitical Motives in Postmodern Cinema : Žižek and Badiou on Udi Aloni’s Forgiveness
and Local Angel - Oana Serban (Uni. Bucharest)
PART VI - Further Debates
18. Cinema and Television : The Art and Industry of Joint Works - Inês Rebanda Coelho (Uni. Minho)
19. Towards a Natural Screen Philosophy - Hunter Vaughan (Oakland Uni.)
20. Metaphysical Alter-Egos: Matheson, Dunne and the View From Somewhere - John Ó Maoilearca (Kingston
Description: This volume collects 20 original essays on the philosophy of film. It uniquely brings together scholars working across a range of philosophical traditions and academic disciplines to broaden and advance debates on film and philosophy. The book includes contributions from a number of prominent philosophers of film including Noël Carroll, Christopher Falzon, Deborah Knight, Paisley Livingston, Robert Sinnerbrink, Malcolm Turvey and Thomas E. Wartenberg. While the topics explored by the contributors are diverse, there are a number of thematic threads that connect them. Overall, the book seeks to bridge analytic and continental approaches to philosophy of film in fruitful ways. Moving to the individual essays, Parts I and III offer novel takes on the philosophical value and the nature of film. Part II focuses on the film as philosophy debate. Part IV covers cinematic experience, while Part V includes interpretations of individual films that touch on questions of artificial intelligence, race and film, and cinema’s biopolitical potential. Finally, the last part proposes new avenues for future research on the moving image beyond film. This book will appeal to a broad range of scholars working in film studies, theory and philosophy.
Title: Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides
Year: (2019)
Editora: Routledge
Eds: Steven S. Gouveia (Uni.Minho), Christina Rawls (Roger Williams Uni.) and Diana Neiva (Uni. Minho)
Pages: 400.
Preface - Thomas E. Wartenberg (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Mount Holoyke College - USA)
"(...) The idea of films actually doing philosophy has become a significant area for discussions of film and philosophy, though there has been a broadening of the issues films are seen to raise. Going under different titles depending on one’s philosophical orientation—film as philosophy and film-philosophy being the two most common—this area of inquiry has seen a great deal of scholarly activity. Indeed, a debate has been ongoing about whether films are actually capable of doing philosophy, as Cavell and others maintain. I focus on these two areas of philosophical discussion of film as a way of understanding the various concerns raised by the contributions in Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. The excellent chapters in this volume make contributions to our understanding of two main areas of philosophical investigation of film: film aesthetics and film as philosophy. It includes contributions from theorists working within the continental tradition of the philosophy of film. Many working in this tradition have been influenced by the work of the philosopher Gilles Deleuze. A number of them seek to develop and update Deleuze’s influential division of films into the movement and the time image, a dichotomy he sees as characterizing pre- and post-World War II cinema. One of the many virtues of this anthology is its inclusion of contributions from both analytic and continental philosophers of film. Because the fundamental assumptions of these two traditions of reflections on film as an artistic medium with important connections to philosophy are so different, there has not been sufficient cross-fertilization between them. Perhaps, this volume can encourage this to occur. The reader of this excellent volume has the opportunity to get a good sense of the current state of the philosophical discussion of film, to see how far this field has progressed since the early days that I have described. The uniformly informative and provocative contributions to it will certainly move forward the discussion of the philosophy of film."
Introduction - Steven S. Gouveia, Chris Rawls and Diana Neiva
PART I - The Nature of Film
1. (Collapsed) Seeing-In and the (Im-)Possibility of Progress in Analytic Philosophy (of Film) - Malcolm Turvey (Tufts Uni.)
2. The World Viewed and the World Lived : Stanley Cavell and Film as the Moving Image of Skepticism - Jônadas Techio (Federal Uni. Rio Grande do Sul)
3. The Morph-Image : Four Forms of Post-Cinema - Steen Ledet Christiansen (Aalborg Uni.)
4. Deleuze’s Cronosigns - Susana Viegas (New Uni. Lisbon)
PART II - The Film as Philosophy Debate
5. The Bold Thesis Retried : On Cinema as Philosophy - Paisley Livingston (Uppsala Uni.)
6. Film as Philosophical Thought Experiment : Some Challenges and Opportunities - Tom McClelland (Warwick Uni.)
7. Are There Definite Objections to Film as Philosophy? Metaphilosophical Considerations - Diana Neiva (Uni. Minho)
8. Philosophical Dimensions of Cinematic Experience - David Davies (McGill Uni.)
PART III - The Philosophical Value of Film
9. Philosophical Experience and Experimental Film - Christopher Falzon (Uni. Newcastle)
10. Filmmaking as Self-Writing: Federico Fellini’s 8½ (1963) - Roberto Mordacci (San Raffaele Uni.)
11. Film and Ethics - Robert Sinnerbrink (Macquarie Uni.)
PART IV - Cinematic Experience
12. Movies, Narration and the Emotions - Noël Carroll (City Uni. New York)
13. Predictive Processing and the Experimental Solution for the Paradox of Fiction - Dina Mendonça (New Uni. Lisbon)
14. The Lived Experience of Motion Pictures: A Phenomenological Approach to Cinema - Hanna Trindade (Charles Uni.)
PART V - Interpreting Cinematic Works
15. The Blade Runner Question: From Philosophy to Myth - Deborah Knight (Queen’s Uni.)
16. Race, Bodies and Lived Realities in Get Out and Black Panther - Mary K. Bloodworth-Lugo (Washington State Uni.)
17. Transnational Biopolitical Motives in Postmodern Cinema : Žižek and Badiou on Udi Aloni’s Forgiveness
and Local Angel - Oana Serban (Uni. Bucharest)
PART VI - Further Debates
18. Cinema and Television : The Art and Industry of Joint Works - Inês Rebanda Coelho (Uni. Minho)
19. Towards a Natural Screen Philosophy - Hunter Vaughan (Oakland Uni.)
20. Metaphysical Alter-Egos: Matheson, Dunne and the View From Somewhere - John Ó Maoilearca (Kingston
Description: This volume collects 20 original essays on the philosophy of film. It uniquely brings together scholars working across a range of philosophical traditions and academic disciplines to broaden and advance debates on film and philosophy. The book includes contributions from a number of prominent philosophers of film including Noël Carroll, Christopher Falzon, Deborah Knight, Paisley Livingston, Robert Sinnerbrink, Malcolm Turvey and Thomas E. Wartenberg. While the topics explored by the contributors are diverse, there are a number of thematic threads that connect them. Overall, the book seeks to bridge analytic and continental approaches to philosophy of film in fruitful ways. Moving to the individual essays, Parts I and III offer novel takes on the philosophical value and the nature of film. Part II focuses on the film as philosophy debate. Part IV covers cinematic experience, while Part V includes interpretations of individual films that touch on questions of artificial intelligence, race and film, and cinema’s biopolitical potential. Finally, the last part proposes new avenues for future research on the moving image beyond film. This book will appeal to a broad range of scholars working in film studies, theory and philosophy.