Title: Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Perspectives
Year: (2017)
Editora: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Eds: Steven S. Gouveia (Uni.Minho) and Manuel Curado (Uni. Minho)
Pages: 397.
Introduction - Steven S. Gouveia and Manuel Curado
Part I: The Self in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
1. ‘Where and I, or What?’: Two Ways of Being Unable to Go Wrong when Encountering Oneself (and what we can learn from them) by Sofia Miguens (Uni. Porto)
2. Empirical Perspectives from the Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity: A Brief Summary with Examples by Thomas Metzinger (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
3. Self-consciousness and First-person Perspective by Luca Forgione (Uni. Basilicata)
Part II: Odors, Colors and Vision
4. Enactivism’s Last Breaths by Benjamin D. Young (Uni. Nevada)
5. The Ontology of Some Afterimages by Bryan Frances (Lingnan Uni.)
6. Vision and Causal Understanding: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives by William Child (Oxford Uni.)
7. Template Identification in the Computational Models of Selective Visual Attention by Keyvan Yahya (Chemnitz Uni. Technology)
Part III: Artificial Intelligence: Future, Ethics and Costs
8. The Problem of Consciousness on the Mind Uploading Hypothesis by Diana Neiva and Steven S. Gouveia (Uni. Porto and Uni. Minho)
9. Godseed: Benevolent or Malevolent? by Eray Özkural (Bilkent Uni.)
10. The Cost of Artifical Intelligence by Matt Mahoney (computer scientist)
Part IV: Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind
11. Hypotheses about the Integration of Cortical Activity: Psychological and Physiological ‘Binding’ by Alfredo Pereira Jr. (Uni. Paulista)
12. The Myth of Neurocartography by João de Fernandes Teixeira (Uni. Federal de São Carlos)
13. Scientific Dreams and Focus Fictions on Consciousness by Judite Zamith-Cruz and André Zamith Cardoso (Uni. Minho & Uni. Liverpool)
Part V: Philosophy of Mind: History, Influences and Concepts
14. Privileged Access to Conscious Experience and the Transparency Thesis by Klaus Gärtner (Uni. Lisbon)
15. Approaching Descartes’ Dualism: Reductionism of His Theory of Knowledge by Aleksandar Risteski (Uni. Novi Sad)
16. How Human Beings Work by Jaime Milheiro (psychoanalyst)
17. The Human Being and the Ancient Philosophies of India by José Antunes (Nova Acrópole)
18. The Future Automation of the Brain: A Nineteenth-Century Polemic on the Perfection of Consciousness
by Manuel Curado (Uni. Minho)
Title: Philosophy of Mind: Contemporary Perspectives
Year: (2017)
Editora: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Eds: Steven S. Gouveia (Uni.Minho) and Manuel Curado (Uni. Minho)
Pages: 397.
Introduction - Steven S. Gouveia and Manuel Curado
Part I: The Self in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind
1. ‘Where and I, or What?’: Two Ways of Being Unable to Go Wrong when Encountering Oneself (and what we can learn from them) by Sofia Miguens (Uni. Porto)
2. Empirical Perspectives from the Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity: A Brief Summary with Examples by Thomas Metzinger (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
3. Self-consciousness and First-person Perspective by Luca Forgione (Uni. Basilicata)
Part II: Odors, Colors and Vision
4. Enactivism’s Last Breaths by Benjamin D. Young (Uni. Nevada)
5. The Ontology of Some Afterimages by Bryan Frances (Lingnan Uni.)
6. Vision and Causal Understanding: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives by William Child (Oxford Uni.)
7. Template Identification in the Computational Models of Selective Visual Attention by Keyvan Yahya (Chemnitz Uni. Technology)
Part III: Artificial Intelligence: Future, Ethics and Costs
8. The Problem of Consciousness on the Mind Uploading Hypothesis by Diana Neiva and Steven S. Gouveia (Uni. Porto and Uni. Minho)
9. Godseed: Benevolent or Malevolent? by Eray Özkural (Bilkent Uni.)
10. The Cost of Artifical Intelligence by Matt Mahoney (computer scientist)
Part IV: Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind
11. Hypotheses about the Integration of Cortical Activity: Psychological and Physiological ‘Binding’ by Alfredo Pereira Jr. (Uni. Paulista)
12. The Myth of Neurocartography by João de Fernandes Teixeira (Uni. Federal de São Carlos)
13. Scientific Dreams and Focus Fictions on Consciousness by Judite Zamith-Cruz and André Zamith Cardoso (Uni. Minho & Uni. Liverpool)
Part V: Philosophy of Mind: History, Influences and Concepts
14. Privileged Access to Conscious Experience and the Transparency Thesis by Klaus Gärtner (Uni. Lisbon)
15. Approaching Descartes’ Dualism: Reductionism of His Theory of Knowledge by Aleksandar Risteski (Uni. Novi Sad)
16. How Human Beings Work by Jaime Milheiro (psychoanalyst)
17. The Human Being and the Ancient Philosophies of India by José Antunes (Nova Acrópole)
18. The Future Automation of the Brain: A Nineteenth-Century Polemic on the Perfection of Consciousness
by Manuel Curado (Uni. Minho)